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Bears - There are three different views in this section - "Online", "Nearby", and "Favorites".  The "Online" section will display a list of the most recent users to logon.  The "Nearby" section displays a list of users that are closest to your current position.  If you wish to see users from a different location, you may also search in a different city.  The "Favorites" section will display the users you have marked as your favorites sorted by distance.  Each user thumbnail will display the user's name and their last checkin location if available. There will be an green dot in the lower left hand corner of the thumbnail if the user has been active recently.  Tapping the thumbnail once will display their profile.  Double tapping the thumbnail will bring you to the chat screen for that user.
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Messages - There are two views in this section - "Unread" and "Read".  The "Unread" section will display a list of your unread messages.  The most recent ones will be at the top of the list.  Once a message is read, it will be moved to the "Read" section.  The "Read" section displays a list of read messages.  The most recent messages will be at the top of the list.  To delete a conversation, swipe your finger across the conversation you wish to delete.  Deleting a conversation will delete all messages, photos, and voice memos associated with this conversation. 

Tapping a conversation will bring you to the chat screen.  The chat screen displays all the text messages, photos, and voice memos that have been sent between you and the other user.  Tapping on a photo thumbnail will display the full screen version of the photo.  Here you will also have the option to save the photo.  Tapping on a voice memo icon will play the voice memo.  Tapping it again while it is playing will pause the voice memo.  Voice memos will be played over your iPhone's speakers.

You may also send text messages to another user from the chat screen.  To send photo or a voice memo, tap the "attachments" icon.  When sending a photo you may select an existing one from your iPhone or take a new one.  After selecting a photo you may scale and/or resize the photo.  The edited photo will be used as the photo thumbnail.  The fullscreen photo will remain unchanged.  When recording a voice memo, you may record up to 10 seconds worth of audio.  You may preview the recording or re-record the message if necessary before sending.
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Viewers - This screen has two sections - "By Time" and "By Distance".  The "By Time" section lists the users that have recently viewed your profile with the most recent at the top of the list.  The "By Distance" lists the users that have recently viewed your profile with the closest at the top of the list.  Tapping the user will bring up their profile.
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Checkins - This screen display a list of venues closest to your current position.  If you don't see your venue displayed you may search for that venue by name.  Tapping on the venue will bring you to the venue detail screen.  This screen will display a thumbnail of the venue location and a list of GROWLR users that have recently checked in to this venue.  Tapping on the map thumbnail will display a full screen map.  Tapping on the "Check In" button will check you into this venue.  Checkin information is provided by Foursquare.
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Events - This screen has two sections - "Events" and "Birthdays".  The "Events" section displays a list of upcoming bear runs.  At the bottom of the list are previous bear runs that have occurred in the last month.  If you do not see an event listed, you may send a request to GROWLR by tapping the "Add" button.  Tapping on the bear run will bring you to the bear run details screen.  If the bear run isn't already over, you may "RSVP" to this event.  Here you can see the other GROWLR users that are planning on attending this event. In the "Birthdays" section, if any of your favorites have their age listed on their profile, their next birthday will be listed.
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Bars - This screen displays a list bear bars.  The ones closest to your current location are at the top of the list.  If you wish to see bars from a different location, you may also search in a different city.  If you do not see a bar listed, you may send a request to GROWLR by tapping the "Add" button. Tapping on the bar will bring up the bar detail screen.
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Profile - This screen allows you edit your profile.  Tapping on the photo thumbnail will allow you add, change, or remove your photo. You may select an existing photo from your iPhone or take a new one.  After selecting a photo you may scale and/or resize the photo.  The edited photo will be used as the photo thumbnail.  The fullscreen photo will remain unchanged. Profile pictures are reviewed on a regular basis.  Public profile pictures that contain nudity or offensive material will result in the permanent suspension of your account.
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Notes - This screen allows you to save personal notes or memos.  You may add, edit, or delete notes from here.  To delete a note, swipe your finger across the note you wish to delete.  The most recent notes are listed at the top of the list.
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